Feed Me Seymour


Small habits. Sitting with your legs crossed. Wallets in the back pocket. Sleeping on your stomach. Hours nightly on your favorite name brand recliner watching television. The one or more scoops of ice cream before bed. The soda pop. The cigarettes. The heavy purse over the shoulder.

In so many ways these are rewards for enduring the responsibilities of the day, or even the moment. They give some semblance of relief or joy, temporary, but it’s there all the same. Never once do we contemplate that maybe, just maybe, these habits grow and grow until finally they start to do the unthinkable. They start to affect your life and your health in very negative ways.

They can grow to cause strains and subluxations to all areas of your spine. They can toxify your liver and trash your metabolism. They start to affect your energy levels by slowing you down. They affect your emotions. You might even feel the need to feed the habit more, taking those moments of fleeting comfort to try and have an emotional release. You finally reach a point that you realize that was once a small habit that you were feeding is now feeding on you. Sucking the vitality of the life you once knew.

Keep in mind, most problems always start off as small habits.

There is a stage musical called “Little Shop of Horrors” that tells the tale of a lowly plant store assistant named Seymour that encounters an alien species of fly trap. It’s a small, ever so cute budding plant. When it wilts, Seymour discovers that the only food that it desires is flesh and blood. This plant is alluring and brings more business and happiness into his life as the story progresses. The drama develops as the plant gets bigger and bigger, or course requiring more and more food. This small delicate plant becomes a looming problem for Seymour.

Analyze the structure of your day. You likely have a lot of habits that have a direct impact on your health and ultimately your life. If you are unsure if they are healthy for you or not, please ask your chiropractor. They have a knowledge or biomechanics, nutrition, and exercise that could guide you toward better habits. Habits that could lead to a healthier and happier you.

Now that sounds like something worth feeding.

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