It Takes Time


You went to your chiropractic office. Treatment was recommended to help your body return to as near normal as possible. You were hoping that it would just be a small thing; that maybe would take one or two adjustments at you’d be as good as new. But you see now that the problem is maybe something that has been building over time, and only now is leading to the pain that you have today.

One of your honest concerns is the frequency of the recommendation that the chiropractor suggested. You're concerned about the time that you will invest in the coming months to help restore your spine closer to a normal state of health. It takes time.

Another way to look at your problem however is that it already has been taking time. It’s been taking time from you. The pain has been taking time away from your friends and family. The pain has been taking time from your focus and productivity as work. The pain has been taking time away from your recreational activities. The pain has been taking time from your chores around the house. In fact, your pain has been robbing you left and right of your time. It already has been taking time.

Time as you can see is a very valuable commodity to you. It provides you with an enormous variety of options to do with during your day. If however pain is taking time from you, then those options are limited, sometimes severely.

In the world of finance and investing there is a phrase that some use that says that “It takes money to make money.” They are referencing that in order for an investment to pay you back in dividends that you have to have money to initially invest. It’s kind of the same as with your time in regards to getting your life back.

As a chiropractor, I understand that in order for you to get your health back to where you want it to be you have to invest time in the process. It takes time. My daily joy comes in seeing people that invest their time wisely in their plan of care that they choose. Follow through. And eventually start to see the fruits of their investment. 

Their problem gets addressed. Their pain abates. And they are able to go back to the relationships, the recreation, the work, and the chores that pain was keeping from them. They chose to spend their time on getting their health better.

I know it takes time, but that is time well spent.

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