It's An Inside Job!

I was sitting at a board meeting last night and a very intelligent man started talking about how his sinus problems that had been going on for weeks were getting worse due to outside influences, such as flying on a plane, air pressure, dust, and such.  These things can surely be a stress or aggravation, but really don't cause anything.   If they did cause sinus problems, then everyone around him experiencing the same stresses would also have sinus problems.

So, it must be an inside job.   In other words, something is not functioning correctly inside of him.  Now I know that a medical doctor, with their limits, will either try to say it's an infection or some variation of that.  But honestly, most of what is called infection is really inflammation.  Bacteria and viruses are a vital part of human health and they cover our skin and our gut all the time and play a very important role in human health.  People only get unhealthier when there is an attempt to try to kill all the bacteria or virus in a person's system.  

So, if it is an inside job, what else could be going on to weaken the body, allowing common stresses to be causing a collection of symptoms like sinusitis?

One would have to go back and study human physiology to understand this.  The first point would be neurology.  The brain and nerves vitally control all function, repair, and response to stress on the part of the body.  All you would need is a small amount of stress in the upper cervical segments (neck) and one might see increased sinus problems.  Also, upon correcting that neurologic and joint stress, one can see this same person get better rather fast.

There may be other issues, such as hydration and sugar intake.  And sometimes a person has a local organic development in the sinuses that may require medical intervention.

But wouldn't it be nice to see if the body can regain its state of health naturally before anything risky is done from an outside - in perspective?   If we understand that these problems are an inside job, then we will always look first to how to help our body be healthy, from the inside - out.

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