What’s That Sound?

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You're in your house and all of a sudden there is this screeching, piercing sound that is very disruptive.  It’s so disruptive that you simply can’t continue doing whatever it is you are doing.  You search through the house and discover the culprit.  It’s one of those annoying “smoke detectors” on the ceiling.  You do the next rational thing that comes to your mind.  You reach up and pull it down from the ceiling.  Open it up and remove the battery.  Problem solved.

Now we all know that it’s not quite that simple.  The “smoke detector” is there to let us know when there is a problem, because there should definitely not be smoke in your house.  And usually where there is smoke there is a tendency to be fire, and fire can be a very destructive force.  In fact, it has the potential to kill you if not given the serious attention that it requires.

When you have pain in your body, it is like that “smoke detector”.  Something wrong is going on in your body that requires attention.  If you reach for a medication to cover up the pain, you haven’t even come close to addressing the problem.  It would be like taking the battery out of the smoke detector.

Most people who reach for a over the counter pain killer, don’t even realize that there is an inherit danger in that supposed “solution” to their pain.  Each year, use of these types of drugs account for an estimated 7,600 deaths and 76,000 hospitalizations in the United States, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine (Washington, DC: American College of Physicians, 1997), September 15, 1997, 127:429-438.

Let alone that now we have effectively shut off our “warning system” to a potentially larger problem.  Remember that pain is your body's ability to let you know that something is not working right.  Chiropractors search out the cause of this pain through subluxations in your spine causing irritations to your nervous system.

Next time you have a pain and you reach for the medicine cabinet, remember the smoke detector, because somewhere there may be a fire burning.

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