Who's The Boss?

Who's The Boss?

Most people are pretty sure that they are in control of their everyday decisions, but what if they aren’t? I daresay there are times when you aren’t in the driver’s seat, when you aren’t in control of your choices in life.

Those times happen when you have an unhealthy joint in your body. Let’s pick your shoulder or your knee. Your friend texts you to see if you want to go play tennis because the weather is beautiful today. Before you respond, you glance at the “boss,” in this case your shoulder or your knee, and the unspoken conversation ensues…

You: “What do you think? Can I go? It is a beautiful day, and I haven’t gotten together with them in a while. I would love to go. Can I? Are you up for it?”

Joint: “It sounds like a nice idea, but I’m really not up for it today. You better stay home with me.”

Ouch. Now the pain is doubled. Not only does it hurt, but it’s now keeping you from engaging in life. It almost doesn’t matter what joint it is. If it’s not functioning well and is causing you pain, then it starts to call the shots. The unhealthy joint will start to dictate whether you go on date night with your spouse, whether you pick up your children at the end of a long day, whether you go to work, whether chores get done around the house, sometimes even if you get a good night’s sleep or not.

Do you really want to surrender your life to that kind of leadership?

If not, then keep in mind that you can take back ownership of your body by realizing that keeping a healthy, steady relationship with your chiropractor is crucial to letting you be in control of your life. Make sure your joints have their best opportunity to stay in healthy alignment with healthy motion. It is only when your joints lose their healthy alignment and motion that they start to wear unevenly and then start to break down.

Your chiropractic care is your best choice in keeping you in the driver seat of your life. Make sure that your joints stay healthy through regular chiropractic care. And that means even scheduling those appointments when you aren’t in pain, because waiting to take action until you are in pain is like waiting until you hand over the keys to your life to start being the boss. That’s not a healthy strategy.

Being the boss means showing up when no one else does. Be in charge of your joints and your health by staying on top of your chiropractic care. It’s your body…or at least it should be.

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