December 6, 2012 - 6:30pm December 6, 2012 - 8:00pm

Labeled as quacks and cultists, the chiropractic profession has long been the victim of strategic assaults waged by big businesses and powerful organizations like the AMA. Although the US makes up only 5% of the world's population, we consume over 50% of all the world's pharmaceutical drugs, while we endure worsening health. DOCTORED is director Bobby Sheehan and producer Jeff Hays’ entry into the emerging genre of health-focused feature documentaries and follows both patients and health care providers struggling within a broken health care system. Illuminating historical events such as the Wilk vs. American Medical Association case in which the AMA was found guilty of an illegal conspiracy to "contain and eliminate" the chiropractic profession, DOCTORED sheds light on this "doctored" system and opens a conversation on real solutions.

This is the movie that the Country Chiropractic Clinic will be showing for their MOVIE NIGHT on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2012. The cost is $10 per ticket and this will include a wonderful cream of zucchini soup with some homemade bread during the show. After this movie, there will be 30 minutes of discussion over some of the concepts covered in the movie. Most of our doctors had the privilege to be at the Washington premiere of this documentary that had a surprise guest, one of the movie's co-producers!
It starts at 6:30pm and will be held at the Averio Institue which is located at the old Country Clinic location at the end of Sunday Lane nearly behind the current Country Chiropractic Clinic.
This is an amazing documentary that will leave you looking at your health in a whole new light. 
Keep in mind that we only have room for 30 people. There is still plenty room available for this showing, but tickets NEED to be purchased in advance so that we know how much soup to prepare. Please call the office to purchase with credit card or stop by and pay for your tickets in person during regular office hours.
We are excited to be showing this movie to you and your friends! Get your tickets TODAY!
Averio Institue
End of Sunday Lane
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
(360) 856-5562

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