A Letter Of Importance

A Letter Of Importance

Dear Family & Friends,

This letter couldn’t be more important, because it involves you. It involves your children, your job, your hobbies, and your life. It pretty much involves everything that could possibly be important. I know that seems extreme. Let me explain.

I’ve been thinking about writing this letter for some time now. The tricky aspect is that you’ve known me for a long time. You’ve had an opportunity to see me at my worst. You’ve seen me make poor choices in life, sometimes being outright proud of them. You’ve seen me work through the consequences of those choices. Knowing that you’ve seen me in those times may taint what I share with you today. Let me encourage you to listen, but with untainted ears.

I have made a discovery. It was tough and it was humbling because it challenged how I had always seen the world in relationship to how I take care of myself. It finally occurred to me that when it comes to my health, I have always taken the route of coving over the pain with either medications or elixirs, but never stopped to look at the heart of what could be causing the problem.

I finally found myself dragging my heels into a chiropractor’s office. I initially went because there was someone who cared enough to write a letter like this to me. Even then I had doubts, but apparently the first visit included a free consultation, so I figured…let’s talk. If the chiropractor didn’t make sense to me or my problem, then I was out of there.

What I found out during that consultation was different though. They explained that by making sure my spine had healthy motion and alignment, it would be enabled to best protect my nervous system, which runs along my spinal cord and controls all aspects of how my body works. Something about that made sense, common sense. I had just grown up thinking if there was pain, I’d just take whatever shot or drug to make the pain go away. Here was someone suggesting that I do something to get rid of the problem – the problem causing the pain – not just covering over it.

I ended up getting x-rays and an evaluation done in the office. Afterwards they took the time to explain what was found in those x-rays and gave me choices of how I wanted to take care of my problem. How about empowering! Now that I could see the problem and know my options, I could do something to finally address my problem and pain. I got started with care.

And to be honest, I haven’t looked back. This is a new way of life for me. I feel younger than I have in years. There is still work to be done, but I have already seen fascinating changes in all areas of my life, because my spine – my health – is getting better.

I hope you hear what I’m saying. I think you should consider chiropractic yourself. Just sit down and talk with one of them. It might just change your life. Call me if you get a chance.

Sincerely yours, 

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