Choice Versus Commitment


Not too long ago while at a wedding rehearsal dinner, there was the reminder of a stark difference between choice and commitment.  There is a difference, and if you can't see it right now, perhaps you will see it in a few moments.

When it comes to finding that special someone that you like spending time with, you make the choice to spend time be with them.  In some cases you make the choice as to going to bed early or staying up late to talk for just a few minutes more on the phone with them.  You make a lot of choices that make being with them a priority.  You may even make the choice to marry them.  You choose the flowers, the menu selections, the caterer, the music, the venue, the seating arrangement.  You choose to walk down the isle and the order of the proceedings, and even to saying "I do".  Somewhere in this process the choice has become a commitment.  And that commitment is so much more than the choices leading up to it.

A commitment is a belief in a process greater than one's self.  It is an ideal standard of choice that requires perseverance, diligence, and fortitude.  There may even be times when you wonder why you ever made that choice, but in those times you have to trust the research and the dedication that you initially had in that process and remind yourself that you no longer have a choice.  That time is long past.  What you have now is a commitment and it is critical that you see it through, because if you don't, you may never see the full measure of the process.  You are committed.

Marriage is that kind of commitment.  You must see it through, because if you don't you will become a statistic of failed marriages.  It was once asked of a couple that made it to their 50th wedding anniversary, what was there advice to the young in marriage.  Their response was clean and deep in meaning.  "We never took the gloves off."  A sports analogy that implied that there were plenty of challenges and tough times, but they never gave up, they never "took the gloves off."

There is a good chance that if you are reading this right now, you have made a choice to seek chiropractic care and furthermore that you have made a choice to improve you health through listening and implementing the advice from your chiropractor in regards to your health, diet, and exercise.  At some point you need to ask yourself if you have transitioned that choice into a commitment, that ideal standard of choice that requires perseverance, diligence, and fortitude.  Are you committed to the process?  When the challenges come, will you become a statistic, or will you see it through?

No one can choose to be healthy.  You are either committed or you are not.

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