Could You Feel Better?


What’s the difference between your body functioning at 100% and 90%? Do you think that you could tell the difference? How about between 90% and 80%? From 70% to 60%? What if it gradually decreased over time? Your energy levels slowly diminish, your metabolism slows a little more each year, your strength wanes with each passing decade, your sleep gets less and less restful each passing night. A little bit at a time. If it happened slowly enough, you might not even notice the change. Before you know it, just the same as “black is the new pink,” you functioning at 60% is the new 100%.

Several years ago, a young mother brought her baby boy in for the symptoms of colic. The baby was having a hard time sleeping through the night and it was very trying on the whole family. After a few adjustments the infant was doing much better. It was then that the mother expressed interest in getting an adjustment. I shared that, since it had been years since her last adjustment, it would be a great idea. She proceeded to get her paperwork updated with my staff and within a few moments was now the patient at the table waiting for her adjustment.

When I asked for an update on how she was doing, she simply replied “I’m fine.” I delved even further, and she assured me that she didn’t really hurt anywhere, it just seemed like a good idea to get her spine adjusted today. She laid face down on the table and I proceeded to evaluate for subluxations of the spine and adjust.

What happened next, neither one of us saw coming. It’s safe to safe to say it surprised us both.

When I finished with the adjustment and helped her up from the table, she announced with a sigh of relief, “Oh my goodness, that feels so much better!”

I had to laugh a little and remind her that she told me that she “felt fine.” It was at that very moment that it occurred to her how much she had gotten used to functioning at less than 100%. She had learned to suffer with the aches and pains that her body was giving her.

Keep in mind that I did say she had learned to “suffer with,” not “deal with,” or even “live with.” I daresay that no one deals or even lives with a body that isn’t working at its optimum.  They are suffering.

Think about it.

If you aren’t working at your best, if you aren’t working at 100%, possibly there are areas of your spine and joints affecting your nervous system that are slowing you down, affecting your life. You likely should consider calling your chiropractor and getting checked. If someone was to ask you how you are doing right now, would you say, “I’m fine?”

Is it possible that you could be feeling “so much better?”

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