Having Good Frame

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An interesting conversation with a patient the other day revealed a passion of hers.  She loves to dance, in particular west coast swing.  She even mentioned that she is a great “twirler”, meaning that she can follow her leader very well.  The subtle wrist changes and the pushes on the hips that guide the female towards the following moves to be done in the dance.  If you haven’t seen really good swing dancers doing their thing, scout out a local swing dance group in your area and either take lessons or attend one of their dances.  They usually don’t cost much, if anything.  But to watch experienced swing dancer’s on the floor, it is almost like they can read each other’s mind as they are twirling and twisting and even in some cases, flipping.  A lot of fun.  Great exercise.

A curious comment made by this patient, who injured her shoulder and wondered if possibly “twirling” the other evening could have had an impact on her injured shoulder.  It sure seemed likely.  She then commented that when dancing it is crucial that both you and your partner have “good frame”.  She explained further that “good frame” meant maintaining good posture with your head up and shoulders relaxed.  If you can’t maintain this position, then the dance becomes difficult and disjointed, and there is the potential that someone can get hurt or injured.

Interesting.  Listen to what was said.  If you want to enjoy the dance, a celebration of motion, with it’s twisting, twirling, and sometimes flipping, you must maintain good posture with your head upright and shoulder relaxed, or you could potentially hurt yourself or others.  You must have “good frame”.

Your chiropractic care is entirely focused on making sure that you have good motion and good posture of your spine, at every segmental level.  If you don’t, then there is certainly the potential that you can injure yourself.

The moral.  Stay on schedule with your chiropractic care.  Have a good frame...and enjoy the dance.

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