When Is Chiropractic Helpful?

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The goal of Chiropractic is for the correction of a structural stress call a subluxation.  For many, they can only relate to the potential joint stiffness and joint pain component of this stress.  So when they have pain, they look at Chiropractic as a more natural method of pain relief.  Chiropractic works really well for pain relief and has over the years provided this level of care to many.

The subluxation also has a neurologic component to it that affects significant regulatory mechanisms of the human body.  So when stressful events happen, physical, emotional or chemical, structure tension occurs that results in neurology becomes less effective due to subluxation stress.  Changes in nerve function can affect all manners of healing and health.

Example: a recent elderly patient to our office with low back pain and bilateral sciatica, unable to perform any kind of orthopedic testing and unable to lay on a table.  Corrective adjustments were made to the pelvis and lumbar spine while she stood.  She doesn't speak english, grandchild helps in limited translation.  By the second week of adjusting, this patient relates that not only is her back and leg pain starting to relieve, but a chest and irregular heart beat that she has noticed for many years is much improved.

Many, not knowing any better would think this a coincidence.  But in the world of correcting structural stress, subluxations, this is a much more common experience.  How one heals, how your body regulates all tissues and organs, is always part of the health of your nervous system.

So whether you have had a recent surgery, recent emotional stress, recent physical stress, Chiropractic can make a diffference in how your body will respond.  That is probably why people that use Chiropractic regularly as a first choice need so much less other more expensive and risky kinds of care. 

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