When The Leaves Fall

When The Leaves Fall

A wonderful conversation took place in the office the other day. A patient came in and shared that they had experienced the best flu ever. They were down for almost two weeks and felt more energized than ever coming out on the other side of it!

Outside right now it’s autumn. In the Pacific Northwest, the trees that were once lush and green are looking like skeletons of their former selves. If you didn’t understand the role of seasons in nature, you might rationally assume that the trees are sick and dying. If you went even more extreme, you might even take the withered leaves and try to stick them back on the branches, using whatever was at your disposal to adhere them. Glue? Tape? Staples? Since the colors of the leaves wouldn’t be quite right, maybe you’d go so far as to paint the leaves the color that you remembered them best.

Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it? In fact, if you were to fight so hard against nature, you might kill the tree in the process or at the very least injure the poor thing. That certainly wouldn’t be a very good idea.

Especially in America, we have been marketed to exhaustively about the “season” to have the flu inoculation. If you were to investigate the rationale both historically and scientifically behind the flu shot, you would see that it is a process that challenges nature at its core. The reason we’re given to receive the flu shot is this: you would be introduced to a small amount of the virus (hoping it’s one of the thousands of flu variations possibly present that year) and your body would then build antibodies to adequately combat that strain, should you encounter it.

Think about it. How did people for centuries “nature-ally” gain immunity to viruses such as the flu? They got exposed to it by nature and had a “season” of being “under the weather,” kind of like autumn and winter. And by enduring the “cold” they came through and continued to grow and be stronger than ever.

A medical doctor by the name of Robert Mendelsohn had something very enlightening to say on the topic: “There is growing suspicion that immunization against relatively harmless childhood diseases may be responsible for the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced.  These are fearful diseases such as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, lupus erthematosus, and the Guillain-Barre syndrome."

Ultimately, be encouraged to stay informed when it comes to your health choices. Don’t feel the need to suppress every negative symptom that strikes your body. There is a great chance that your body needs time to rebuild its defenses. It may not feel great, but it is likely necessary to help you be a better, healthier, stronger you. Why pass up on the opportunity to have a stronger immune system for your later years?

Seek healthy options for your health. Boost your immune system with natural choices like staying well hydrated, making a big pot of vegetable soup with loads of slightly sautéed onions and garlic, seeking chiropractic care to bolster your nervous system, and getting plenty of rest.

Spring is coming. Before you know it, those withered skeletons of trees will be lush and more beautiful than ever. It's just how nature works.

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