Which One Is Stranger?


Just this last week a conversation with a patient revealed that she is considered by her immediate family as “the crazy one.” I looked at her in dismay, sizing her up. She appeared to be a very rational, common sense mother of two beautiful little kids. She didn’t dress strange or have any potential quirks that would make her look or appear alien.

I asked why her family would consider her strange. Her answer? Because she chooses to do things like buy organic produce and seek chiropractic care.

Hmmm... Which one would you say is stranger? Here are the options. Let’s look at the choices and decide.

Option One: Look at your health from the “outside-in.” This essentially means your body isn’t capable of healing on it’s own. In order to heal, it needs constant help from drugs or perhaps a surgery.   It doesn’t matter what you eat or whether you exercise. Posture means nothing. Gene expression will determine everything anyways. It’s the luck of the draw if you get to have a healthy life. Responsibility is not required.

Option Two: Look at your health from the “inside-out.” This essentially means that your body is a self-healing organism. Drugs are not required to function correctly. Surgery isn’t required. These are true if you pay attention to what you eat and you live an active lifestyle. Watch your posture. Your genes are a foundation, but how they express themselves can be influenced by your choices. Good health isn’t luck. Personal responsibility is required.

Those are the options, there isn’t a third. You either seek a not-so healthy life in your medicine cabinet, between the rows of the pharmacy department at your local grocery store and in the occasional runs to the emergency room, and by doing this hopefully “appear” healthy. Or you seek a genuine attempt at a healthy life which puts you in your running shoes toward an active lifestyle, choosing healthy organic options in your grocery aisles with lots of vegetables and fruits, and tending to your posture and structural care through regular chiropractic care thereby having a better influence on your genetic expression and potential by doing so. 

One of these options certainly does sound stranger. One of them certainly sounds more alien.

I know what I think, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters most is…

...what do you think?

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