Why Are The Lights Out?


This really is a pain versus problem type of question.  If there is a light out in your house, is the problem that light bulbs are burnt out or is the problem in the garage at your breaker box?  We all understand this principle when it comes to our homes, but do we realize that often times our bodies are very much similar?

When you have a pain such as a headache, there are multiple reasons why you could have a headache.  You could be dehydrated.  You could be under nourished.  You could have a cervical subluxation (that horrible irritation on nerves when there is a loss of normal motion and alignment of spinal segments), yet most people most likely reach for an ibuprofen.

Often times the problem is not the same thing, or in the same area as the pain.  The nervous system (your brain, spinal cord, and nerves) controls all aspects of your bodies function.  It is the “breaker box”.  If there is a room in your house that the lights aren’t coming on, don’t forget that you have a “breaker box”.  If there is some aspect of you body that isn’t functioning right; constipation, headaches, shortness of breath, sleep apnea, anything, don’t forget that you have a nervous system and a spine.

Even more important, don’t forget who your spine specialists are.  Your first line of defense is your chiropractor.

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