Over Time

Over Time

A single snowflake can’t really hurt anyone, most people would agree. A flurry of snowflakes at first glance is just mere beauty and couldn’t possibly hurt anyone, but if one watches closely, over time the accumulation of snowflakes can cause what you see as normal to change into an unhealthy, abnormal state of being.

Many times over the years people like yourself walk through the doors of your chiropractor’s office with an ache or a pain that appeared to suddenly happen. Now hopefully there was a recent accident or injury to explain it away. If there wasn’t an accident or injury that led to the pain, then it sometimes can be a greater concern. Because that means that there has been an accumulation of stress over time that has caused what was once normal to change into an unhealthy, abnormal state of being. A few reasons could contribute to this…

  • Bad Habits. This could be any number of bad postural routines in your life like poor station ergonomics, slouching, sitting with legs crossed, sitting with a wallet in your back pocket, sleeping on your stomach, using a poor pillow or mattress, using footwear that has poor support…and the list can go on.
  • Ignorance or Neglect. This is living sometimes for years and decades taking your spine and joints for granted. Chiropractors are the only professionals that dedicate their lives to understanding the myriad of ways that the spine should move and align, and more importantly, how to perform adjustments to a spine that isn’t moving right and help guide it to a healthier state of being. Take care of your spine. This leads to the last and maybe the most dangerous reason for this build up of stress…
  • “Cracking” Yourself. Or having others that don’t know the intricacies of joint motion and alignment try to do what your chiropractor makes look easy. The process of adjusting your spine is not an easy process without years of education and understanding. Our office isn’t the only one that has seen people that have been injured severely doing this. Just because you feel a temporary feel-good sensation with a “successful pop,” you are injuring yourself if you don’t know exactly what your moving and how you are moving it. That requires a formal chiropractic education. You cannot watch your chiropractor closely and think you’ve figured it out.

Like this one tree that I encountered recently that has been burdened by one too many solitary snowflakes. It is weighted down. It can’t stand up straight, even if it wanted to. More snow will eventually break it. Be wary of the stress that builds over time. Better yet, stay consistent with your chiropractic care to ensure that you don’t find yourself bent out of shape wondering, “How did this happen?”

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