O' Christmas Tree


In a tiny corner of north-west Poland, there is a region referred to as the Crooked Forest. Nearly 400 pine trees were planted there in the 1930’s. According to Wikipedia, “it is generally believed that some form of human tool or technique was used to make the trees grow this way, but the method and motive are not currently known.”

Obviously this wasn’t an attempt back in the 30’s to create a Christmas tree farm, because surely no one would ever want a Christmas tree in their home that wasn’t straight. Other than to look at the strangeness of it all, there is no healthy purpose behind a tree without good alignment.

Take a look at the Christmas tree all decorated in your living room. Some of you went to a tree farm and searched amongst the many trees for the perfect one. Envision what it was that you looked for in that tree. You looked at the branches, how well they would hold your ornaments. You look at the height, making sure that it’s just right for that special space in the room. And lastly without thinking, you look for a Christmas tree with good posture. Seldom do people seek out a crooked tree to decorate, because if the posture of the tree is faulty then no amount of decorating will bring about the perfect Christmas tree this season.

Posture and alignment are critical and play a part in more than how you look. They represent how healthy you are. If you ever walk through the hallways of a retirement home, notice the posture of the population. Those that appear healthier are always the ones that carry themselves with a healthier, upright posture. Their spine, the root of postural alignment, is healthier than others.

This means when your spine breaks down, so do you.

So many people still don’t know that you can actively take care of your spine, posture, and alignment with chiropractic care. It is the sole profession that addresses this root of your health. There are other professions that help with aspects of your structure like massage and physical therapy, but none that address segmental motion and alignment like chiropractic can. It is a critical element to any plan for health.

The question for you is this: are you currently, actively taking care of your posture and your structure with chiropractic care? Do you have a plan in this area of your health? Are you willingly choosing healthy posture and alignment in your structure or are you by default choosing the way of the Crooked Forest?

Look at your Christmas tree and the hidden quality that you sought for the most. You were looking for a tree with good structure. Because a healthy structure has healthy purpose. It has health.

You deserve the same.

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