Working In The Silence


The doors opened and in “strolled” Elijah. A young man who has grown to date without the ability to walk, move, or speak was wheeled through the doors of a chiropractic office. Someone shared with his family many states away that they should try chiropractic for their son. They stepped out to try.

He’s strapped to a wheelchair with a feeding tube in his side. His mother and grandmother take turns working with him daily, keeping motion in his joints and feeding him, and most importantly loving him with conversation and touch.

He is eight years old.

Now some may wonder, “Why chiropractic?” Admittedly even for this family, seeking care a state away felt like a leap of faith, but having a bilateral hip reconstruction scheduled for their boy in a month, they felt that it might be worth the effort. They thought they might just “give it a try.”

While you’re on the edge of your seat wondering about the outcome for this little boy, here’s a reminder for you. Your nervous system controls everything in your body. EVERYTHING. Your spine protects your nervous system and plays a role in allowing it to do its job with efficiency. If there is any loss of segmental motion or alignment in your spine, that equates to some part of your body not working right. In many cases it can lead to pain, but most of the time something silently is not working as it should. Chiropractic is the only profession trained to seek out that interference and remove it with an “adjustment.”

And so that is what transpired with Elijah. Adjustments happened on a daily basis leading up to the surgery. The family started to notice changes. Elijah started moving his head to the left and the right. He started having regular daily bowel movements. He started to make attempts to speak with almost a constant regularity. He started to smile. All of these activities were barely seen before care.

He went into surgery, a surgery described beforehand as one of the most painful surgeries known to be performed. When the surgeon came out hours later, he stated that he was “amazed” at how healthy Elijah’s bones were. The family shared this as they came back to their chiropractor for care. Elijah required the heavy pain medication for only one day.

Elijah continues to show signs of improvement.  Truth be told, there is no way to determine how much improvement this fellow’s body is capable of. But as long as the effort is put forth, he’ll be that much closer to health.  All of the positive effects he’s experiencing have come about because of two very important steps: someone cared enough to share about chiropractic and...someone was willing to “give it a try.”

Where are you? Are you the person who may be willing to share?  Or maybe you’re the person on the fence wondering if you should give chiropractic a try.

One thing is for certain, if Elijah could form words, he would be sharing this story with you. Actually, if he continues to improve, someday he just might.

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