Another Medication Gone: A Patient's Account


“I have been on thyroid medication for probably about the last 8 years. When I initially went on it I noticed a huge difference. If I forgot to take it one day I would have such severe symptoms that I would rush to go take it so that I would feel better. In the last year I slowly stopped taking it because I would forget and wouldn't remember to take it because I didn't notice a difference. It has been a long time since I've seen my doctor because I don't have the need to see her often like I used to. I went to see her recently and tell her I didn't think I needed it anymore. She said she would do a blood test, but that that almost never happens so I would probably need to start taking it again when they got the results. I heard back today-my thyroid levels are not only normal, but in the middle of the normal range. YES!!! Another one down and we know how it happened!!! Thank you Doctors!!!”

- Jenny C.

“That almost never happens” were the words that the doctor used. I daresay that it likely almost never happens unless you know certain rules of a healthy lifestyle. The rules appear simple but include a lifetime of implementation. Take care of your joints through daily stretching and regular chiropractic care. Take care of your cellular biology through healthy nutritional choices like an abundance of vegetables and fruits and a minimization, if not elimination, of processed foods, meats, and dairy products. Intentionally live an active lifestyle, full of exercise and recreation. 

Each of these components is critical to a healthy life. If you can get excited about them, then a wonderful thing can happen. You get to live an extraordinary life.

It’s almost like the Fourth of July. It’s a chance to celebrate freedom. A different kind of freedom. A freedom from pain, medication, lack of energy, feeling older than you are, a life not lived. A freedom to do all the activities in life that you want to do. Whether it involves your work, recreation, relationships, or even your household chores, when you are healthy, you get the option to engage.

But of course the first choice is simply choosing to change.

That choice is yours. And depending on what you choose, maybe you too can be part of something, like Jenny, “...that almost never happens.”

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