Becky . says...

Madelynne Jovanna says...
“I heard about Country Chiropractic Clinic from some co-workers. I have had problems with my back since I was a teenager. I don’t recall any specific injury to my back, and I don’t remember having problems lifting things. I do pretty much anything I really want to do, but I have always had a hard time staying in bed for a whole night. It did not make any difference whether I slept on my back or on my side; after a couple hours my back would start hurting, and if I made myself stay in bed, my back would hurt so bad that I wouldn’t even stand up straight when I first got out of bed. I would have to go sit in the recliner for a while before I could stand again. Unknown ObjectUnknown Object Eventually, I found that I got much better rest by not even starting out in bed. My husband and I thought maybe our bed was too hard so we bought a Sleep Comfort bed so that I could adjust my side. That seemed to help for a short time, but then I gave up on that and started sleeping in the recliner again, which I have done for 5-6 years. I had been to the Medical Doctor years ago to see if I could get some relief for my back; was sent to therapy for several weeks, where I was given exercises to do, and had several ultrasound treatments. After several months of faithfully doing the exercises, I didn’t feel like there was any progress at all so I gave up on it. I hadn’t intended to start chiropractic treatment; in fact I had gotten so used to my routine that I didn’t even think about it – that’s just the way it was. But my husband started treatment because of severe pain in his neck. At first he couldn’t even drive himself, so I was taking him to the clinic four days a week. After a couple weeks of watching and listening, I decided that I should be examined and see if treatment would help me. So I had my exam, and saw on the x-rays that my neck and spine were both abnormal, and started treatment. Now I sleep though the night, on my bed, without pain...”
Becky .

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