Ideal Protein Weight Loss Open House

Ideal Protein Weight Loss Open House

Where do you see yourself in 6 months? If you are carrying unwanted weight, how does it affect you? Are you ready to make a commitment to yourself and your future and take the next step? We would like to help you achieve your goals. Join us for this workshop...

Ideal Weight Loss of Country Clinic invites you to our next open house, Wednesday, May 21st at 6:30pm.  A fabulous opportunity to sample food and get your questions answered about Ideal Protein and its amazing success helping people achieve their weight loss goals.  Ideal Protein is a medically supervised, four-phase, partial meal replacement weight loss protocol that targets fat loss while preserving muscle mass.  It's a temporary treatment plan available only through licensed healthcare professionals who provide one-on-one weekly support and education that helps you not only loose the weight, but keep it off.  Plan to come and take the first step towards achieving your health and wellness goals today! RSVP at 360-661-2400 or at the front desk. (22790 Buchanan Street, Mount Vernon, WA 98273)

Country Chiropractic Clinic
22790 Buchanan Street
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
(360) 661-2400

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