A Well Wrapped Gift

A Well Wrapped Gift

This time of year, there is something to be said for a beautifully wrapped gift under the tree, no matter its size. The ribbons are stunningly crisp. The paper looks like it was designed specifically for the box. It’s a package that demands a picture to be taken before it is opened.

It’s stunning and beautiful to behold, but sometimes it doesn’t quite represent adequately what is under all the beauty. Sometimes what is wrapped isn’t what the receiver needed or wanted at all. At that point, there isn’t much to be said for a well-wrapped gift.

Only too often, I see beautiful people wearing the nicest in fashion. Beautiful dresses or ties, skirts or shirts, hair nicely styled…but underneath they are worn and broken.  Some rely on stimulants to get going in the morning. Some use medication to suppress symptoms enough to get through the day. Some use sleep-aids to help get a bit of rest at night. And then they get up the next morning and do the same rituals again.

If every morning when you looked in the mirror you saw the inside of you instead of the outside of you, you would likely make different choices through your day. Imagine seeing plaque on your arteries slowly building after fast food meals, or muscles deteriorating with lack of usage. Or perhaps spurs and arthritis changing the shape or your bones and vertebrae due to poor motion or alignment. Imagine if you saw that every morning instead of how your hair was done, whether your skin was clean and nice-smelling, or whether your teeth were brushed and nails immaculate. I can tell you right now that one of these vantage points would have a much more direct impact on how the rest of your life plays out.

Not to say that external hygiene isn’t important. It is. But if you really want to get the most enjoyment and ease out of your days, you want to make sure you tend daily to your internal hygiene as well.

What does that mean?

It means exercise to challenge your muscles daily and create a healthy soreness. Eat and drink healthy options like more vegetables, fruits and water. Limit or eliminate foods that build toxins in your system. And last but not least, watch your posture and your gait. To help with your internal hygiene, you should have a healthy, consistent relationship with your chiropractor to make sure your joints—all of them—have the best motion and alignment possible to not only keep your joints healthy, but keep your nervous and immune system operating at its best.

Basically, make sure that you aren’t just a pretty package with all the bows and glitter. Make sure that your insides are just as good or better. 

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