How Are You Running?


Only a week ago, someone we know called and said that they were in a car accident. Police were at the scene.

Accidents happen. Every day, somewhere, accidents happen. The hope is that everyone involved is okay, that they’ll survive, that the expense won’t be too high.

With anticipation we waited the following morning to find out exactly what had happened. He admitted that he’d had difficulty slowing to a stop and hit the car in front of him. It happens. Then the frustrated smile followed and he admitted that it was obvious both to himself and the police officer that brake fluid had been building up in the wheel well of his truck. The force of the accident caused it to spill to the ground. He admitted that he was trying to “save a couple bucks” over the last several months by just putting in a little brake fluid each week to keep the truck running...or in this case, stopping.

Unfortunately, his failing brakes were the cause of the accident that damaged the car in front and the car behind him. He got a ticket for both following too close for conditions and faulty equipment. He wasn’t allowed to drive the truck from the scene, so he had to pay $125 for a tow truck to take it to a garage where one hour’s worth of labor and parts came to $185. To add subtle insult to injury, the whole incident also cost him a half day of pay at work because he couldn’t make it in.

Ouch. And to think that it all could have been avoided if he just paid attention to the signs and addressed them in a timely fashion. 

Of course this is where you come in. When it comes to your health, are you paying attention to the signs or are you still trying to take short cuts? In the world of health, short cuts are like taking medication that simply covers up the unwanted symptoms, because surely “if you can’t feel it, it’s not there, right?” Wrong. It’s most assuredly still there…and getting worse. Hopefully the accident doesn’t happen anytime soon, but it’s likely to happen. That’s the nature of our systems. With use, they wear. With time, they break down. The best you can do is attempt to fix and maintain as you go.

Only too many times does someone walk through the doors of their chiropractor because they had an accident. Something broke down. In many cases during consultation, it’s discovered that they knew it was coming. They knew something wasn’t right. They tried ignoring, medicating, patching, stretching, icing, heating, hoping, waiting for it to go away. 

When you see a symptom that is affecting your health, call your chiropractor, even if the symptom might be something that you’re not sure about. There is a good chance that he or she has helped someone recently that might have been dealing with that very same issue. You don’t know unless you call.

I suppose you could wait...

Just kidding. I don’t recommend it. Don’t do it. Don’t wait. Take care of yourself now.

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